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international education / 2024-08-24 / Count: 22

"My dream is to understand and experience the culture of each different country while I am young, and to introduce my favorite rope walking sport to everyone..."
"Backpacker's Backpacking Lesson—Chapter 7." Mexico"
Ivan, 26, is from Mexico and is currently taking a short-term language course at Taiwan Normal University. His previous trip was to Japan where he learned Japanese for half a year.
He said that in Mexico, most people speak Spanish. Although it is only a thin line away from the United States, English is not widely spoken. School education is not enough to meet the communication needs, and his English ability comes from continuous practice...
In addition to sharing, Ivan also introduced us to "rope walking" and introduced, installed and taught it to the children in the physical education class in the afternoon specialty class. Everyone had a great time.
Do you have difficulty communicating with each other during the teaching process?
We should be able to find the answer by looking at the children's expressions...



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